External Data
Feature State
: Gatekeeper version v3.11+ (beta)
Gatekeeper provides various means to mutate and validate Kubernetes resources. However, in many of these scenarios this data is either built-in, static or user defined. With external data feature, we are enabling Gatekeeper to interface with various external data sources, such as image registries, using a provider-based model.
A similar way to connect with an external data source can be done today using OPA's built-in http.send
functionality. However, there are limitations to this approach.
- Gatekeeper does not support Rego policies for mutation, which cannot use the OPA
built-in function. - Security concerns due to:
- if template authors are not trusted, it will potentially give template authors access to the in-cluster network.
- if template authors are trusted, authors will need to be careful on how rego is written to avoid injection attacks.
Key benefits provided by the external data solution:
- Addresses security concerns by:
- Restricting which hosts a user can access.
- Providing an interface for making requests, which allows Gatekeeper to better handle things like escaping strings.
- Addresses common patterns with a single provider, e.g. image tag-to-digest mutation, which can be leveraged by multiple scenarios (e.g. validating image signatures or vulnerabilities).
- Provider model creates a common interface for extending Gatekeeper with external data.
- It allows for separation of concerns between the implementation that allows access to external data and the actual policy being evaluated.
- Developers and consumers of data sources can rely on that common protocol to ease authoring of both constraint templates and data sources.
- Makes change management easier as users of an external data provider should be able to tell whether upgrading it will break existing constraint templates. (once external data API is stable, our goal is to have that answer always be "no")
- Performance benefits as Gatekeeper can now directly control caching and which values are significant for caching, which increases the likelihood of cache hits.
- For mutation, we can batch requests via lazy evaluation.
- For validation, we make batching easier via
Rego function design.
Providers are designed to be in-cluster components that can communicate with external data sources (such as image registries, Active Directory/LDAP directories, etc) and return data in a format that can be processed by Gatekeeper.
Example provider template can be found at: https://github.com/open-policy-agent/gatekeeper-external-data-provider
Providers maintained by the community
If you have built an external data provider and would like to add it to this list, please submit a PR to update this page.
If you have any issues with a specific provider, please open an issue in the applicable provider's repository.
The following external data providers are maintained by the community:
Sample providers
The following external data providers are samples and are not supported/maintained by the community:
API (v1beta1)
Provider resource defines the provider and the configuration for it.
apiVersion: externaldata.gatekeeper.sh/v1beta1
kind: Provider
name: my-provider
url: https://<service-name>.<namespace>:<port>/<endpoint> # URL to the external data source (e.g., https://my-provider.my-namespace:8090/validate)
timeout: <timeout> # timeout value in seconds (e.g., 1). this is the timeout on the Provider custom resource, not the provider implementation.
caBundle: <caBundle> # CA bundle to use for TLS verification.
is the API request that is sent to the external data provider.
// ProviderRequest is the API request for the external data provider.
type ProviderRequest struct {
// APIVersion is the API version of the external data provider.
APIVersion string `json:"apiVersion,omitempty"`
// Kind is kind of the external data provider API call. This can be "ProviderRequest" or "ProviderResponse".
Kind ProviderKind `json:"kind,omitempty"`
// Request contains the request for the external data provider.
Request Request `json:"request,omitempty"`
// Request is the struct that contains the keys to query.
type Request struct {
// Keys is the list of keys to send to the external data provider.
Keys []string `json:"keys,omitempty"`
is the API response that a provider must return.
// ProviderResponse is the API response from a provider.
type ProviderResponse struct {
// APIVersion is the API version of the external data provider.
APIVersion string `json:"apiVersion,omitempty"`
// Kind is kind of the external data provider API call. This can be "ProviderRequest" or "ProviderResponse".
Kind ProviderKind `json:"kind,omitempty"`
// Response contains the response from the provider.
Response Response `json:"response,omitempty"`
// Response is the struct that holds the response from a provider.
type Response struct {
// Idempotent indicates that the responses from the provider are idempotent.
// Applies to mutation only and must be true for mutation.
Idempotent bool `json:"idempotent,omitempty"`
// Items contains the key, value and error from the provider.
Items []Item `json:"items,omitempty"`
// SystemError is the system error of the response.
SystemError string `json:"systemError,omitempty"`
// Items is the struct that contains the key, value or error from a provider response.
type Item struct {
// Key is the request from the provider.
Key string `json:"key,omitempty"`
// Value is the response from the provider.
Value interface{} `json:"value,omitempty"`
// Error is the error from the provider.
Error string `json:"error,omitempty"`
Provider is an HTTP server that listens on a port and responds to ProviderRequest
with ProviderResponse
As part of ProviderResponse
, the provider can return a list of items. Each item is a JSON object with the following fields:
: the key that was sent to the providerValue
: the value that was returned from the provider for that keyError
: an error message if the provider returned an error for that key
If there is a system error, the provider should return the system error message in the SystemError
📎 Recommendation is for provider implementations to keep a timeout such as maximum of 1-2 seconds for the provider to respond.
Example provider implementation: https://github.com/open-policy-agent/gatekeeper/blob/master/test/externaldata/dummy-provider/provider.go
Provider Response Caching
Starting with v3.13+, Gatekeeper supports caching of responses from external data providers for both audit and validating webhook. It caches the response based on the Key
and Value
received as part of the ProviderResponse
. By default, the cache is invalidated after 3 minutes, which is the default Time-to-Live (TTL). You can configure the TTL using the --external-data-provider-response-cache-ttl
flag. Setting the flag to 0 disables this cache.
External data for Gatekeeper validating webhook
External data adds a custom OPA built-in function called external_data
to Rego. This function is used to query external data providers.
is a function that takes a request and returns a response. The request is a JSON object with the following fields:
: the name of the provider to querykeys
: the list of keys to send to the provider
# build a list of keys containing images for batching
my_list := [img | img = input.review.object.spec.template.spec.containers[_].image]
# send external data request
response := external_data({"provider": "my-provider", "keys": my_list})
Response example: [["my-key"
, "my-value"
, ""
], ["another-key"
, 42
, ""
], ["bad-key"
, ""
, "error message"
📎 To avoid multiple calls to the same provider, recommendation is to batch the keys list to send a single request.
Example template: https://github.com/open-policy-agent/gatekeeper/blob/master/test/externaldata/dummy-provider/policy/template.yaml
External data for Gatekeeper mutating webhook
External data can be used in conjunction with Gatekeeper mutating webhook.
You can specify the details of the external data provider in the spec.parameters.assign.externalData
field of AssignMetadata
and Assign
are mutually exclusive.
Field | Description |
provider String | The name of the external data provider. |
dataSource DataSource | Specifies where to extract the data that will be sent to the external data provider. - ValueAtLocation (default): extracts an array of values from the path that will be modified. See mutation intent for more details.- Username : The name of the Kubernetes user who initiated the admission request. |
failurePolicy FailurePolicy | The policy to apply when the external data provider returns an error. - UseDefault : use the default value specified in spec.parameters.assign.externalData.default - Ignore : ignore the error and do not perform any mutations.- Fail (default): do not perform any mutations and return the error to the user. |
default String | The default value to use when the external data provider returns an error and the failure policy is set to UseDefault . |
apiVersion: mutations.gatekeeper.sh/v1beta1
kind: AssignMetadata
name: annotate-owner
scope: Namespaced
- apiGroups: ["*"]
kinds: ["Pod"]
location: "metadata.annotations.owner"
provider: my-provider
dataSource: Username
Provider response
Mutated object
apiVersion: mutations.gatekeeper.sh/v1beta1
kind: Assign
name: mutate-images
- groups: [""]
kinds: ["Pod"]
versions: ["v1"]
scope: Namespaced
location: "spec.containers[name:*].image"
provider: my-provider
dataSource: ValueAtLocation
failurePolicy: UseDefault
default: busybox:latest
Provider response
Mutated object
There are several limitations when using external data with the mutating webhook:
- Only supports mutation of
fields (e.g..spec.containers[name:*].image
). AssignMetadata
only supportsdataSource: Username
only supports creation ofmetadata.annotations
.dataSource: ValueAtLocation
will not return any data.ModifySet
does not support external data.- Multiple mutations to the same object are applied alphabetically based on the name of the mutation CRDs. If you have an external data mutation and a non-external data mutation with the same
, the final result might not be what you expected. Currently, there is no way to enforce custom ordering of mutations but the issue is being tracked here.
TLS and mutual TLS support
Since external data providers are in-cluster HTTP servers backed by Kubernetes services, communication is not encrypted by default. This can potentially lead to security issues such as request eavesdropping, tampering, and man-in-the-middle attack.
To further harden the security posture of the external data feature,
- starting from Gatekeeper v3.9.0, TLS and mutual TLS (mTLS) via HTTPS protocol are supported between Gatekeeper and external data providers
- starting with Gatekeeper v3.11.0, TLS or mutual TLS (mTLS) via HTTPS protocol are required between Gatekeeper and external data providers with a minimum TLS version of 1.3
In this section, we will describe the steps required to configure them.
- A Gatekeeper deployment with version >= v3.9.0.
- The certificate of your certificate authority (CA) in PEM format.
- The certificate of your external data provider in PEM format, signed by the CA above.
- The private key of the external data provider in PEM format.
How to generate a self-signed CA and a keypair for the external data provider
In this section, we will describe how to generate a self-signed CA and a keypair using openssl
- Generate a private key for your CA:
openssl genrsa -out ca.key 2048
- Generate a self-signed certificate for your CA:
openssl req -new -x509 -days 365 -key ca.key -subj "/O=My Org/CN=External Data Provider CA" -out ca.crt
- Generate a private key for your external data provider:
openssl genrsa -out server.key 2048
- Generate a certificate signing request (CSR) for your external data provider:
<service name>
and<service namespace>
with the correct values.
openssl req -newkey rsa:2048 -nodes -keyout server.key -subj "/CN=<service name>.<service namespace>" -out server.csr
- Generate a certificate for your external data provider:
openssl x509 -req -extfile <(printf "subjectAltName=DNS:<service name>.<service namespace>") -days 365 -in server.csr -CA ca.crt -CAkey ca.key -CAcreateserial -out server.crt
How Gatekeeper trusts the external data provider (TLS)
To enable one-way TLS, your external data provider should enable any TLS-related configurations for their HTTP server. For example, for Go's built-in HTTP server
implementation, you can use ListenAndServeTLS
server.ListenAndServeTLS("/etc/ssl/certs/server.crt", "/etc/ssl/certs/server.key")
In addition, the provider is also responsible for supplying the certificate authority (CA) certificate as part of the Provider spec so that Gatekeeper can verify the authenticity of the external data provider's certificate.
The CA certificate must be encoded as a base64 string when defining the Provider spec. Run the following command to perform base64 encoding:
cat ca.crt | base64 | tr -d '\n'
With the encoded CA certificate, you can define the Provider spec as follows:
apiVersion: externaldata.gatekeeper.sh/v1beta1
kind: Provider
name: my-provider
url: https://<service-name>.<namespace>:<port>/<endpoint> # URL to the external data source (e.g., https://my-provider.my-namespace:8090/validate)
timeout: <timeout> # timeout value in seconds (e.g., 1). this is the timeout on the Provider custom resource, not the provider implementation.
caBundle: <encoded-ca-certificate> # base64 encoded CA certificate.
How the external data provider trusts Gatekeeper (mTLS)
Gatekeeper attaches its certificate as part of the HTTPS request to the external data provider. To verify the authenticity of the Gatekeeper certificate, the external data provider must have access to Gatekeeper's CA certificate. There are several ways to do this:
- Deploy your external data provider to the same namespace as your Gatekeeper deployment. By default,
is used to generate and rotate Gatekeeper's webhook certificate. The content of the certificate is stored as a Kubernetes secret calledgatekeeper-webhook-server-cert
in the Gatekeeper namespace e.g.gatekeeper-system
. In your external provider deployment, you can access Gatekeeper's certificate by adding the followingvolume
to the provider deployment so that your server can trust Gatekeeper's CA certificate:
- name: gatekeeper-ca-cert
mountPath: /tmp/gatekeeper
readOnly: true
- name: gatekeeper-ca-cert
secretName: gatekeeper-webhook-server-cert
- key: ca.crt
path: ca.crt
After that, you can attach Gatekeeper's CA certificate in your TLS config and enable any client authentication-related settings. For example:
caCert, err := ioutil.ReadFile("/tmp/gatekeeper/ca.crt")
if err != nil {
clientCAs := x509.NewCertPool()
server := &http.Server{
Addr: ":8090",
TLSConfig: &tls.Config{
ClientAuth: tls.RequireAndVerifyClientCert,
ClientCAs: clientCAs,
MinVersion: tls.VersionTLS13,
- If
is disabled via the--disable-cert-rotation
flag, you can use a cluster-wide, well-known CA certificate for Gatekeeper so that your external data provider can trust it without being deployed to thegatekeeper-system
Authenticate the API server against Webhook (Self managed K8s cluster only)
⚠️ Two new flags will be introduced in v3.11 because of these changes. And since they are not backward compatible, you may need a clean install to make use of them.
Note: To enable authenticating the API server you have to be able to modify cluster resources. This may not be possible for managed K8s clusters.
To ensure a request to the Gatekeeper webhook is coming from the API server, Gatekeeper needs to validate the client cert in the request. To enable authenticate API server, the following configuration can be made:
Deploy Gatekeeper with a client CA cert name. Provide name of the client CA with the flag
. The same name will be used to read certificate from the webhook secret. The webhook will only authenticate API server requests if client CA name is provided with flag. You can modify gatekeeper deployment to add these flags and enable authentication of API server's requests. For example:containers:
- args:
- --port=8443
- --logtostderr
- --exempt-namespace=gatekeeper-system
- --operation=webhook
- --operation=mutation-webhook
- --disable-opa-builtin={http.send}
- --client-cn-name=my-cn-name
- --client-ca-name=clientca.crtYou will need to patch the webhook secret manually to attach client ca crt. Update secret
to includeclientca.crt
. Key nameclientca.crt
should match the name passed with--client-ca-name
flag. You could generate your own CA for this purpose.kind: Secret
apiVersion: v1
ca.crt: <ca-crt>
ca.key: <ca-key>
tls.crt: <tls-crt>
tls.key: <tls-key>
clientca.crt: <myCA.crt> # root certificate generated with the help of commands in step 3
name: <gatekeeper-webhook-service-name>
namespace: <gatekeeper-namespace>
type: OpaqueGenerate CA and client certificates signed with CA authority to be attached by the API server while talking to Gatekeeper webhook. Gatekeeper webhook expects the API server to attach the certificate that has CN name as
. Use--client-cn-name
to provide custom cert CN name if using a certificate with other CN name, otherwise webhook will throw the error and not accept the request.Generate private key for CA
openssl genrsa -des3 -out myCA.key 2048
Generate a root certificate
openssl req -x509 -new -nodes -key myCA.key -sha256 -days 1825 -out myCA.crt
Generate private key for API server
openssl genrsa -out apiserver-client.key 2048
Generate a CSR for API server
openssl req -new -key apiserver-client.key -out apiserver-client.csr
Generate public key for API server
openssl x509 -req -in apiserver-client.csr -CA myCA.crt -CAkey myCA.key -CAcreateserial -out apiserver-client.crt -days 365
The client certificate generated by the above command will expire in 365 days, and you must renew it before it expires. Adjust the value of
to set the expiry on the client certificate according to your need.
You will need to make sure the K8s API Server includes the appropriate certificate while sending requests to the webhook, otherwise webhook will not accept these requests and will log an error of
tls client didn't provide a certificate
. To make sure the API server attaches the correct certificate to requests being sent to webhook, you must specify the location of the admission control configuration file via the--admission-control-config-file
flag while starting the API server. Here is an example admission control configuration file:apiVersion: apiserver.config.k8s.io/v1
kind: AdmissionConfiguration
- name: ValidatingAdmissionWebhook
apiVersion: apiserver.config.k8s.io/v1
kind: WebhookAdmissionConfiguration
kubeConfigFile: "<path-to-kubeconfig-file>"
- name: MutatingAdmissionWebhook
apiVersion: apiserver.config.k8s.io/v1
kind: WebhookAdmissionConfiguration
kubeConfigFile: "<path-to-kubeconfig-file>"KubeConfig file should look something like:
apiVersion: v1
- cluster:
certificate-authority-data: <myCA.crt> # same value as provided in gatekeeper webhook secret's clientca.crt
server: https://<gatekeeper-webhook-service-name>.<gatekeeper-namespace>.svc:443
name: <cluster-name>
- context:
cluster: <cluster-name>
user: api-server
name: <context-name>
current-context: <context-name>
kind: Config
- name: api-server
client-certificate-data: <apiserver-client.crt>
client-key-data: <apiserver-client.key>Note: Default
and defaultgatekeeper-namespace
.Visit #authenticate-apiservers for more details.
Disabling external data support
External data support is enabled by default. If you don't need external data support, you can disable it.
You can disable external data support by adding --enable-external-data=false
in gatekeeper audit and controller-manager deployment arguments.
You can also disable external data by installing or upgrading Helm chart by setting enableExternalData=false
helm install gatekeeper/gatekeeper --name-template=gatekeeper --namespace gatekeeper-system --create-namespace \
--set enableExternalData=false