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Version: v3.18.x

How to use Gatekeeper

Gatekeeper uses the OPA Constraint Framework to describe and enforce policy. Look there for more detailed information on their semantics and advanced usage.

Constraint Templates

Before you can define a constraint, you must first define a ConstraintTemplate, which describes both the Rego that enforces the constraint and the schema of the constraint. The schema of the constraint allows an admin to fine-tune the behavior of a constraint, much like arguments to a function.

Here is an example constraint template that requires all labels described by the constraint to be present:

kind: ConstraintTemplate
name: k8srequiredlabels
kind: K8sRequiredLabels
# Schema for the `parameters` field
type: object
type: array
type: string
- target:
rego: |
package k8srequiredlabels

violation[{"msg": msg, "details": {"missing_labels": missing}}] {
provided := {label |[label]}
required := {label | label := input.parameters.labels[_]}
missing := required - provided
count(missing) > 0
msg := sprintf("you must provide labels: %v", [missing])

You can install this ConstraintTemplate with the following command:

kubectl apply -f


Constraints are then used to inform Gatekeeper that the admin wants a ConstraintTemplate to be enforced, and how. This constraint uses the K8sRequiredLabels constraint template above to make sure the gatekeeper label is defined on all namespaces:

kind: K8sRequiredLabels
name: ns-must-have-gk
- apiGroups: [""]
kinds: ["Namespace"]
labels: ["gatekeeper"]

You can install this Constraint with the following command:

kubectl apply -f

The match field

The match field defines which resources the constraint will be applied to. It supports the following types of matchers:

  • kinds accepts a list of objects with apiGroups and kinds fields that list the groups/kinds of objects to which the constraint will apply. If multiple groups/kinds objects are specified, only one match is needed for the resource to be in scope.
  • scope determines if cluster-scoped and/or namespaced-scoped resources are matched. Accepts *, Cluster, or Namespaced. (defaults to *)
  • namespaces is a list of namespace names. If defined, a constraint only applies to resources in a listed namespace. Namespaces also supports a prefix-based glob. For example, namespaces: [kube-*] matches both kube-system and kube-public.
  • excludedNamespaces is a list of namespace names. If defined, a constraint only applies to resources not in a listed namespace. ExcludedNamespaces also supports a prefix-based glob. For example, excludedNamespaces: [kube-*] matches both kube-system and kube-public.
  • labelSelector is the combination of two optional fields: matchLabels and matchExpressions. These two fields provide different methods of selecting or excluding k8s objects based on the label keys and values included in object metadata. All selection expressions are ANDed to determine if an object meets the cumulative requirements of the selector.
  • namespaceSelector is a label selector against an object's containing namespace or the object itself, if the object is a namespace.
  • name is the name of a Kubernetes object. If defined, it matches against objects with the specified name. Name also supports a prefix-based glob. For example, name: pod-* matches both pod-a and pod-b.

Note that if multiple matchers are specified, a resource must satisfy each top-level matcher (kinds, namespaces, etc.) to be in scope. Each top-level matcher has its own semantics for what qualifies as a match. An empty matcher, a undefined match field, is deemed to be inclusive (matches everything). Also understand namespaces, excludedNamespaces, and namespaceSelector will match on cluster scoped resources which are not namespaced. To avoid this adjust the scope to Namespaced.

The parameters field

The parameters field describes the intent of a constraint. It can be referenced as input.parameters by the ConstraintTemplate's Rego source code. Gatekeeper populates input.parameters with values passed into the parameters field in the Constraint.


      rego: |
package k8srequiredlabels

violation[{"msg": msg, "details": {"missing_labels": missing}}] {
provided := {label |[label]}
required := {label | label := input.parameters.labels[_]}
missing := required - provided
count(missing) > 0
msg := sprintf("you must provide labels: %v", [missing])

The schema for the input Constraint parameters is defined in the ConstraintTemplate. The API server will reject a Constraint with an incorrect parameters field if the data types do not match.


# Apply the Constraint with incorrect parameters schema
$ cat << EOF | kubectl apply -f -
kind: K8sRequiredLabels
name: ns-must-have-gk
- apiGroups: [""]
kinds: ["Namespace"]
# Note that "labels" is now an array item, rather than an object
- labels: ["gatekeeper"]
The K8sRequiredLabels "ns-must-have-gk" is invalid: spec.parameters: Invalid value: "array": spec.parameters in body must be of type object: "array"

The enforcementAction field

The enforcementAction field defines the action for handling Constraint violations. By default, enforcementAction is set to deny as the default behavior is to deny admission requests with any violation. Other supported enforcementActions include dryrun and warn. Refer to Handling Constraint Violations for more details.

Listing constraints

You can list all constraints in a cluster with the following command:

kubectl get constraints

Input Review

You can view information on the object that Gatekeeper takes as input here